
Children’s MARS Communications

The Children’s MARS Board produces quarterly news updates which provide information on the work of the multi-agency partnership and updates on the work of the Children’s MARS Board.  We also promote new training opportunities, resources for professionals, children and families and information relating to any events and conferences.

If you wish to subscribe for Children’s MARS communications emails, please complete the communications sign up form.

A collection of our previous news updates can be found to the left of this page.

Children’s MARS Spotlights

The Children’s MARS Spotlight is a mechanism for coordinating key communications messages, tools and resources and upcoming training associated with the Children’s MARS ‘Shine a Light’ areas of focus.

Child sexual abuse in the family environment

Female Genital Mutilation, Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage

Special Edition Spotlight – Joint Targeted Area Inspections

Early Help

Working and engaging with fathers and male carers

Online abuse

Teenage relationship abuse

Children’s MARS Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

The Children’s MARS local arrangements identifies voice and engagement as a core function and the Children’s MARS Board is committed to effective communication and stakeholder engagement with professionals from safeguarding partners and relevant agencies working with children, young people and families, parents/carers, children and young people and members of the public.

As partners take a One Family Approach across North Lincolnshire, we want children, young people and families to be able to build upon their strengths and their resilience to find or be enabled to find solutions when things are not going so well. They should be able to access available information, advice, guidance and be enabled to maximise their potential and enhance their life chances.

We want children, young people and families to be supported by a workforce that is resilient, confident, competent and with authorisation to do what they think is the right thing to do without escalating children and families unnecessarily through a range of organisational systems and referral processes when the day to day contact with trusted professionals can make the difference.

When carried out effectively, communications and stakeholder engagement can have a significant impact on raising awareness, enabling self-responsibility and being resolution focussed, enhancing skills and knowledge, improving practice, driving partnership action and system change and supporting the work of the partnership. As such, it is integral in ensuring the effectiveness of safeguarding practice and in promoting the welfare of children and young people across North Lincolnshire.

The Children’s MARS Communication and Stakeholder engagement strategy sets out how the local arrangements will communicate and engage with stakeholders and how key information and messages will be communicated across the partnership.

Children’s MARS Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy 2024/2025

Past events

Children’s MARS Resilience and Safeguarding in Practice event – 13 November 2023

The Children’s MARS Resilience and Safeguarding in Practice event was an opportunity to bring together practitioners and local leaders at all levels who have responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. As well as having a focus on our local arrangements, there was input from a national speaker who helped us to reflect upon local practice.

Below is a special edition conference news update which provides a summary of the speakers and presentations during the event. Also below is a copy of the event programme and presentations from the day.

Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire and partners safeguarding event – 4 October 2023

In collaboration with Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire (VANL), the Children’s MARS Board supported the inaugural networking event for the voluntary, charity and social enterprise (VCSE) sector. The Children’s MARS team provided a presentation about what the local Children’s MARS Arrangements are, our current priorities, and the local offer to the VCSE, including access to support, training and resources. As part of the presentation we discussed the ways we can work together, highlighting the important role that we all play in keeping people safe.

The Children’s MARS team’s presentation from the event can be viewed here – Children’s MARS Arrangements presentation

Children’s MARS Conference – 5 May 2022

Conference presentations

‘Out of this World’ Conference – 2 November 2018


Early Adopters learning event(s)

  • Presentation (January) regarding progress as early adopters to National Children’s Bureau Learning Event on 22 January 2019
  • Presentation (March) regarding progress as early adopters to National Children’s Bureau Learning Event on 5 March 2019