Children, young people and families
Further information and advice
If you’re a child or young person and you have any issues or concerns, you can contact Childline on 0800 1111 or visit
Local information and advice is also available online about particular issues, for example:
- Not In Our Community – protection against grooming and child sexual exploitation –
- Life Central – central local resource for information and advice about emotional wellbeing –
- SEND Local Offer website – The local offer website provides information on the support and provision available locally for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
- SENDIASS website – The Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is a free service for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their parents and carers. They provide impartial, confidential information, advice and support in relation to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and related health and social care matters –
Other sources of information, advice and self-help is available on the below pages of our website:
Worried about yourself or another young person?
Safeguarding children and young people and keeping them safe is everyone’s business.
If you are a child or young person and need help, you should speak to a trusted adult or a professional you already know.
If you think that a child might be the victim of abuse or neglect or they may be at risk of harm, you should always report your concerns.
Please contact North Lincolnshire’s Children’s Services Single Point of Contact on:
- 01724 296500 (9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4.30pm Friday)
- 08081 689667 (free phone)
- 01724 296555 (answerphone – out of office hours and at weekends)
101 – Police non-emergency
999 – Police emergency
You can also read the government advice for practitioners What to do if you are worried a child is being abused, this leaflet will also be helpful to the members of the public who are worried about a child.
Private Fostering
The law requires you to notify North Lincolnshire Council six weeks prior to:
- Your child going to stay with someone who is not a close relative for 28 days or more; or
- You looking after someone else’s child for 28 days or more
You are also required to notify the council if you know of someone in a personal or professional capacity that is privately fostering a child or young person.
For further advice and support please contact North Lincolnshire Fostering Service on 01724 297024
Substance misuse
North Lincolnshire DELTA – Young People’s Substance Misuse Service
DELTA provides outreach services for children and young people aged up to 19 affected by their own or their parent’s drug or alcohol use. It offers telephone support, home visits and individual counselling as well as advice and information on alcohol and related issues.
Tel: 01724 298 528
We Are With You
We Are With You is a national charity and we are the commissioned service to support adults with substance use issues in North Lincolnshire. Their website provides information and advice to substance users, family and friends and professionals.
We Are With You also provide free confidential support with alcohol, drugs both through online webchat which is available via their website Monday-Friday 9am-9pm and Sat/Sun 10am-4pm
Substance misuse resources and information
Below is the link to a number of documents on a range of substances. The documents contain information around what the substance looks like, how it is used and the effects on the user.
Substance Misuse harm reduction information
Confidential advice and information about drugs, their effects and the law.
Voice and Engagement
Voice, engagement activity, co-production and working collaboratively with children and young people’s perceptions, aspirations and skills is an area of strength in North Lincolnshire. Building on this strong foundation, safeguarding partners and agencies remain committed to engaging with children, young people and families at an individual, service and strategic level. We work with established groups and forums and there are different mechanisms for young people to have their say. Examples include:
- Square Table Event – March 2019 – to consider young people issues as part of the wider children’s planning arrangements and Children’s MARs arrangements and opportunities for co-production – emerging themes and discussion points
- Elected Home Education Event – November 2019 – members of the Children’s MARS team attended this event to gather the views of children, young people and families who are home educated. This was an opportunity to engage with those whose views may not be easily accessible through traditional forums.
Support for children and families
For advice, support and to find out what to do if you are worried about a child, North Lincolnshire Council has put together a handy guide on keeping children and families safe.
A poster has been developed which signposts families to local support in English, Polish, Bengali, Portuguese, Kurdish and Punjabi
Information is also available on the council website in relation to Family Support and activities for children and young people on the support for children and families page and services to children page.
The below leaflets signpost children, young people and families to support during the COVID-19 period.
Missing Children
The below leaflet provides guidance for parents and carers around what to do when their child goes missing. It also gives advice on what to do and how to react when they return home.
North Lincolnshire Missing Children Information Leaflet
What to do if your child goes missing – The Children’s Society
The Children’s Society provides advice and guidance to parents around what to do if their child goes missing. Their website also contains information around why children go missing, what happens when the child is found and information on return home interviews.
What to do guide – The Children’s Society
Below also provides advice for children and young people who are thinking of running away
I Am Thinking Of Running Away | The Children’s Society
Advice for children who go missing – Childline
Childline provides advice specifically for children who go missing or run away and what happens when they return home
Why do children run away? – Railway Children
Railway Children is a UK charity who support and intervene with children who pass through railway stations alone or are found alone in the street. Their website provides information around why children run away, what the risks are and how to talk to your child about running away.
Why do children run away? | Railway Children
Not in Our Community – Missed Me?
Missed Me? is based on real life events and shows the different ways that children and young people can be pushed and pulled into situations of great risk and episodes of going missing.
Missed Me? has been created to help raise awareness of the reasons behind young people going missing and present them as victims rather than perpetrators of crime or the cause of situations including sexual and criminal exploitation.
North Lincolnshire Youth Justice Partnership
The below film talks about how the North Lincolnshire Youth Justice Partnership can support young people. The video shares stories from young people themselves.
Child Exploitation and Trafficking
Not in Our Community
Alfie’s Story
This video story follows Alfie’s journey of criminal exploitation, how it can happen and the consequences it can have for all involved
Anywhere Kids
Delivered as a collaboration with the Humber Modern Slavery Partnership, Anywhere Kids is an animation created by My Pockets which demonstrates the consequences around being groomed and exploited.
‘Anywhere Kids’ uses aspects of real stories from real victims in our area to tell the story of how young people are groomed, coerced and trapped into exploitation such as drug dealing, forced criminality and sexual exploitation, and seeks to open a dialogue with younger children about some of the dangers they may face online or in person and how they might protect themselves from being targeted by exploiters and organised criminal gangs.
Watch Anywhere Kids on Not in Our Community’s YouTube channel
Trapped is a short film produced in Scunthorpe about events leading up to and following the near fatal stabbing of a young boy involved in a drug dealing operation. A researcher interviews five characters to try to understand why a drug related stabbing left a boy with life changing injuries. As the interviewer delves into the backstory of two boys and a girl we learn about the push and pull factors that lead to them becoming involved in drugs and child exploitation.
Watch Trapped on Not in Our Community’s YouTube channel
Trapped lesson plan – this lesson plan provides examples of icebreaker activities to introduce young people to the topic of grooming and exploitation.
The Fearless website has educational resources on county lines to educate young people on recognising the signs and how to report it. Young people themselves can also access the website for information around crime and exploitation.
PACE: Parents against child exploitation
PACE supports parents and carers of children who are being exploited by offenders outside the home. Their website provides information, support and training.
Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK)
ECPAT UK works with children who have been trafficked into the UK for criminal exploitation.
The ECPAT UK website contains useful education resources including leaflets (in 11 languages) for young people who may have been trafficked
ECPAT UK Child friendly leaflets
How do I know if I am being groomed? – Childline video
This video discussed grooming and gives advice on how to spot the signs and how to get support if you’re worried that you or a friend are being groomed.
Trafficking video – Childline
This video was developed with young people as part of the NSPCC’s Protect and Respect service, in consultation with CEOP and University College London to raise awareness of trafficking.
Knife Crime
No More Knives or County Lines
Working in collaboration with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, this website is an educational resource that helps to educate young children and teenagers, on the topic of knife crime.
The below online e-book aims to educate children aged 10 to 16 on the dangers of getting involved with county lines and carrying knives. The story is about a groups of friends who are groomed and lured into delivering packages to various areas, using rail and taxis and their own dedicated phone lines; Jamie regrets picking up a knife for protection.
The below video tells the story of a group of friends who are groomed into county lines and realise the consequences of carrying knives
No More Knives by Christina Gabbitas – YouTube
Lives not knives
Lives not knives is a youth-led charity that works to prevent knife crime, serious youth violence and school exclusions by engaging, educating and empowering disadvantaged young people and supporting them to enjoy their lives and improve their future prospects.
The Ben Kinsella Trust
The Ben Kinsella Trust is an anti-knife crime charity which tackles knife crime through education. Their website contains resources of young people, parents and professionals.
The Ben Kinsella Trust website
It All Adds Up – YouTube
‘It All Adds Up’ is an knife crime animation created by the Student Commission on Racial Justice.
Online Safety
Parent Zone
The parent zone website has a range of articles to support parents with digital parenting. Articles include being safe online, what apps to watch out for and what to teach children about internet safety.
CEOP: Thinkuknow
The thinkuknow website contains resources for children of all ages around internet safety and preventing online grooming. There are lesson plans, activities for children and advice articles for parents, carers and professionals.
CEOP online safety game for 8-10 year olds
The CEOP Band Runner game is a fun way for 8-10 year olds to learn about safer use of technology
They will learn to:
- distinguish between safe and unsafe behaviours online
- feel more confident to seek help from a trusted adult when they need it
- understand how they can use our 8-10s website to seek advice and support
The game can be accessed the CEOP 8-10s website here
11-18s website
The website offers advice articles and signposts clear ways young people aged 11-18 can access help and support across 7 key categories:
- Relationships
- Socialising online
- Nudes
- Sex and sexual content online
- Sexual abuse
- Support
- Online safety
View the website here – CEOP Thinkuknow 11-18s website
Child Sexual Abuse prevention campaign – Internet Watch Foundation
This hard-hitting campaign, backed by the UK Home Office and Microsoft, aims to empower girls, and warn their parents and carers about the risks posed by online predators targeting children.
Videos and resources are available on the Internet Watch Foundation website.
Gurls Out Loud is a resource for young girls which aims to encourage them to block, report and tell someone if an adult tries to engage with them via the internet
TALK Checklist by Internet Watch Foundation – The TALK checklist is for parents/carers to use when they are worried about their child’s internet use. The website contains practical advice on how to have the conversation with the young person.
Online Sexual Harm Reduction Guide – The Marie Collins Foundation
The Marie Collins Foundation has joined forces with the NWG Network to produce a new help guide for parents and carers aimed at reducing online harm.
Further information and resources are available on the Marie Collins Foundation website.
Internet Safety Handouts for Parents – Parents Protect
This leaflet gives primary school aged children and young people aged 11+ information about some helpful websites to help them keep themselves safe online – 11+ children’s leaflet
This leaflet gives parents and carers useful information about risks to children associated with internet enabled devices including: sexting, online gaming, cyberbullying, grooming and social media including signposting to other resources and information – internet safety guide for parents
Childline: Bullying and Cyberbullying
This online guide helps parents and children recognise bullying and what to do about it. It also includes advice around how to support someone who is being bullying and how to help them cope once the bullying has been addressed.
Bullying and cyberbullying | Childline
Anti-Bullying Alliance
A range of tools and resources are available on their website including specific guidance for schools about sexual bullying and free training.
All about bullying (
What is sexual bullying? (
Responding to bullying toolkit (
Jake’s Story – being bullied
Jake’s intimate description of how it felt to be bullied – the sense of isolation and fear that he went through – will help students to empathise with his story. This film will be particularly useful for opening up discussion around bullying, self-confidence and the effects of an individual’s actions on others.
Jake’s Story: Being Bullied | BBC Teach – YouTube
Fight Child Abuse YouTube channel
This organisation based in the US has some useful videos on their YouTube channel for children on a number of topics including:
Sexual Abuse and Harassment
Parent’s Guide to Online Sexual Harassment
The Children’s Commissioner has launched some resources aimed at parents and carers about online sexual harassment and how they can support children and young people to stay safe online. The guide includes a list of additional resources and sources of support and covers issues, such as sexting, peer pressure and body image.
Parent’s Guide to Online Sexual Harassment
Shore website – Lucy Faithful Foundation
Recent research shows that under-18s are responsible for one-third of sexual offences against young people in the UK. In response to this, the Lucy Faithfull Foundation has launched an information website called Shore, which is aimed at under 18s and offers accessible, practical advice and dedicated support for young people concerned about harmful sexual behaviour.
Stop Abuse Together Campaign
The new Stop Abuse Together website can help parents and carers learn to spot the signs, have regular conversations with their child which can help keep them safer, and know when it’s right to reach out for more support.
Advice for parents – Knowing the signs can help keep your child safe
Find tips and advice on how to talk to your child about their relationships and safety – Speak to your child tips
You don’t have to be certain to talk to a trained professional about a concern. Learn about the support on offer
Parents Protect – Information leaflets and guides
Parents’ guide for when children are having problems online
Parents’ guide to protecting your children from sexual abuse
Smart rules for adults to share with their children to protect them from sexual abuse
Smart rules for adults to protect their children from sexual abuse
Guide to developing family safety plans
Simple conversations to keep your child safe from abuse
PANTS – Learn the underwear rule
Traffic Light Tools for parents
The below tools help parents understand the sexual development of children and what behaviours are age appropriate
Traffic Light Tool – Children aged 5 and under
Traffic Light Tool – Children aged 5 to 11
Parents Protect – Learning Programme
The below learning programme provides parents with information you need about child sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, how to create a family safety plan and who you can contact for further support.
Sexual Abuse Learning Programme – Parents Protect
Fight Child Abuse YouTube channel
This organisation based in the US has some useful videos on their YouTube channel for children on a number of topics including:
Don’t let Pressure End Up as Sexual Abuse – YouTube
Grooming & Sexual Abuse – YouTube
Sexual harassment among young people – awareness video
This film discusses the issue of sexual harassment among young people. The film is animated and available in 4 languages (English, Slovenian, Portuguese and Maltese).
Healthy Relationships and Domestic Abuse
Healthy and unhealthy relationships – Childline
This online guide provides advice to children around how to recognise an unhealthy relationship and what to do if you feel unsafe.
Healthy and unhealthy relationships | Childline
Video Resource – Teenage Relationship Abuse
This video animation below is to raise awareness of teenage relationship abuse.
Sunshine – Don’t Confuse Love & Abuse – Day One – YouTube
The Blue Door
The Blue Door is a specialist service who provide support to anyone that has experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in North and North East Lincolnshire and those who have experienced rape and serious sexual offences in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire through a variety of advocacy, outreach workers, groups and programmes.
Office Telephone: 01724 841947
Helpline: 0800 197 47 87
Further information and referral forms are available from The Blue Door’s website
Respect UK
The respect phoneline is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for perpetrators of domestic abuse looking for help to stop. Partners or ex-partners of perpetrators as well as concerned friends and family are welcome to get in touch for information, advice and support.
Helpline 0808 802 4040
Webchat is also available on the Respect UK website.
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline offers confidential, non-judgemental information and expert support. The Helpline can also help callers access refuge accommodation or other specialist services. The Helpline is free to call and uses the services of Language Line to provide access to interpreters for non-English speaking callers. The Helpline can also access the BT Talk Type Service for deaf or hard of hearing callers. The Helpline is open 24 hours a day every day of the year.
Helpline 0808 2000 247
The Hideout
The Hideout provides information to children and young people to understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action if it is happening to them.
What’s OK at Home?
This organisation creates websites, videos, apps, posters and other resources to help young people understand what family violence is, why it happens, how to recognise it and how to help others who are experiencing it.
Hidden Hurt
Hidden Hurt aims to help children and young people understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship, the different types of abuse and the effect on both direct and indirect victims. A number of resources and personal stories are available to read on their website
#FriendsCanTell campaign
Friends are often the first to notice the red flags. The #FriendsCanTell campaign aims to de-normalise the abuse and control that young people said are so common in their relationships that they are considered normal.
Advice and support is available on their website –
You can also watch their campaign video here – YouTube: Friends Can Tell
Let’s Talk About It – Working Together to Prevent Terrorism
This website contains practical advice and guidance in order to stop people becoming terrorist or supporting terrorism.
Educate Against Hate
This website contains government advice and trusted educational resources to safeguard children from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
Educate Against Hate – Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism
Counter Terrorism Policing UK – YouTube
The below video shows how easy it can be for anyone to become vulnerable to extremists operating online and looking to radicalise young and impressionable individuals.
Online Radicalisation – YouTube
Hollyoaks TV drama enlisted the help of Prevent to tell a far right radicalisation storyline. This video tells the real life story behind it and explains how to get help if you fear someone you know is at risk.
Counter Terrorism Policing teams up with Hollyoaks | Prevent – YouTube
Humza Arshad has collaborated with counter-terrorism police to stop children being drawn into gang crime and extremism. Arshad, 34, worked with officers to produce the film ‘Hate’. The message behind the film is one of tolerance, respect and communities working together to challenge hate in all its forms.
The below film shows the story of a back street brawl between two young men with extreme and opposing views – men who would never take the time to talk, to listen, to understand each other. And yet a conversation begins. This provocative film reveals some challenging truths about prejudice, extremism and radicalisation, and shows that the best way to understand these problems is to talk.
Safer sleeping and coping with crying
ICON programme
The ICON programme has been developed to help parents, carers and families understand that increased crying between 2 weeks and 6-8 weeks of age is normal and helps families cope with a crying baby. It also raises awareness of the dangers of a baby being shaken, something that can be triggered by a baby crying, and the devastating injuries this can cause sometimes resulting in death.
The ICON website provides further advice for both parents and professionals working with children and families.
ICON Resources
Additional resources for professionals are available on the Resources page.
Soothing a crying baby – NHS advice
The NHS have information and guidance on their website which gives parents the techniques to comfort a crying baby.
Cry-Sis is a charity offering help and support to parents with babies who cry excessively or have sleeping problems. Their website provides advice, information and guidance along with a telephone helpline that you can access for advice.
The Lullaby Trust
The lullaby trust website provides advice around safer sleeping for babies and young children. Information is available around co-sleeping, room temperature and appropriate bedding.
Little Lullaby
Little Lullaby has been created by young people for young people and provides advice and guidance around caring for babies and education around safer sleeping.
Lift the baby
Video resource and information for new dads around safer sleeping
Emotional wellbeing and mental health
Life Central
Life central aims to be the go-to app for young people in North Lincolnshire. It aims to give young people the information they need to help themselves make lifestyle changes for better emotional health and wellbeing.
Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community, with free, safe and anonymous support for 11 to 18 year olds.
The Mix
The Mix provides judgement-free information and support to young people aged 13-25 on a range of issues including mental health problems. Young people can access the The Mix’s support via phone, email, webchat, peer to peer and counselling services.
Telephone: 0808 808 4994 (11am-11pm, free to call)
Crisis Support: Text ‘THEMIX’ to 85258.
Offers information and advice on eating disorders and runs a supportive online community. Also provides a directory of support services at HelpFinder.
0808 801 0711 (youthline)
0808 801 0811 (studentline)
0808 801 0677 (adult helpline)
SEED: Eating disorder support service
The SEED website contains a range of resources to help you identify whether you have an eating disorder. It also shares information on the different types of disorders and how you can manage it and get support.
Young Minds
Committed to improving the mental health of babies, children and young people, including support for parents and carers.
0808 802 5544 (parents helpline)
85258 (crisis messenger service – text the letters YM)
Young minds website
Student Minds
Mental health charity that supports students.
Calm Harm
This is an app which is designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm.